Friday, December 2, 2011

Feature & Follow Friday (2)

As always, its time for another Follow Friday. This wonderful meme is hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee. Each friday two blogs are featured in an effort to expand one's blog. Go and check out both of these sites to learn more!

Q: What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to books? Maybe you don’t like love triangles or thin plots? Tell us about it!

1. Quick Endings: I think that the number one thing that really peeves me when it comes to books is when the ending ends very abruptly. Just like the beginning, and the middle, there needs to be strength and a good flow to the ending as well, especially with an independent novel that doesn't have a sequel. I want the ending to be strong and memorable; not quick and soggy.

2. Instant Love: I think that in a book with characters that are just beginning to date and that have no previous past of a relationship, there should be progression and structure behind the relationship. In a lot of books the two characters will meet and fall in 'love' within about a week or two in the book. Yes I do believe in love at first sight, but just because that's a situation in the doesn't mean that the characters should be saying the word so easily. I need characters to get to know one another and build strength in the relationship before the 'I love you's' come into play.

3. Overly Oblivious Characters: Okay, so this one in a way totally depends on the situation, but a lot of the time when characters who are trying to hint to somebody else that they have feelings for them, and that person doesn't notice...continuously...I'm gonna get frustrated with the book. A few times is okay, but I've read books where they seriously don't realize their feels for each ohter until like the last three chapters, and because of that the other chapters were filled with meaningless nonsense. It not only is annoying to me but frustrating as hell!

That's all I can name off the top of my head, what are your pet peeves though? (: 


  1. Oh yeah quick endings, like when you turn the page and there's nothing there and you're like "HUH?" and have to go back and re-read the last few pages. I hate that too, good choice! and pretty much everyone hates insta-love I think-such lazy writing!

    The Cait Files

  2. Hopping through! I definitely agree with all of your answers! Happy Friday!
    New follower!

  3. Great answers. I, on the other hand, don't usually get annoyed with the instant love thing that much. As long as I feel like the characters aren't being stupid about it, it's alright. In reality, it would make me little hypocritical to judge, since I'm one of those girls that falls in love easily.

    Great blog! I'm a new follower. :D

  4. Quick endings suck!
    My biggest pet peeve is definitely insta-love! I really hate it ;)

    I'm a new follower :)
    Here's my FF

  5. Amen to all the pet-peeves. EVERYONE hates them yet why are they in a lot of books -.-

    AUTHORS, get the memo!

    -thank you&come again.

  6. Quick endings are so frustrating! Why bother writing a strong story, if you can't end it properly? I find the whole experience can be ruined if the ending isn't strong.

    Old follower :)

    Follow Me Friday @ Radiant Shadows

    Don't forget to check out my 100 Followers Giveaway!

  7. Insta-love really irks me! It's in almost all books lately too. ugh!

    Xpresso Reads
